Thursday, February 20, 2020
Crime Scene Investigators in Law Enforcement Research Paper
Crime Scene Investigators in Law Enforcement - Research Paper Example Crime Scene Investigator The scene where the crime occurred is an imperative aspect in the entire process of investigation. The site contains the core evidence which enables law enforces piece together the evidence amassed from other locations. The evidence gathered from the scene may at times require processing. These investigators undertake various tasks which include classifying and analyzing the evidence. Therefore, the crime scene investigator may require an assortment of skills and knowledge to undertake their tasks. These investigators should have relevant qualifications in the scientific field such as forensics. The knowledge and skill impacted in such a programme will be vital for these investigators. CSI teams should be the first to arrive at the scene. This will ensure that the evidence gathered is apposite. Additionally, there may be people intentionally or unintentionally attempting to distort the scene to frustrate the investigations. These investigators should show urg ency in their arrival at the crime scene. Some crimes entail interviewing the persons that were around the scene when incidence happened. Therefore, the investigator should have appropriate skills that will enable them gather the right information in relation to the crime. Additionally, there should have the capacity to discern the flawed and correct evidence. The investigators should consequently connect the events that occurred in a chronological manner. Crime scene investigators are an imperative constituent of the disciplined forces (Dutelle, 2011). Importance of a CSI team This team makes a crucial contribution in resolving crime since it amasses the initial evidence. The initial evidence forms the basis on which the investigator can follow up the case. It provides the investigator with vital hints on what avenue to pursue in order to resolve the crime. The initial evidence shows when and how the crime happened. Consequently, the team vested with the authority of gathering such evidence contributes considerably to resolution of the crime. With the massive advancements in technology, criminals are utilizing sophisticated methods that leave minimal traces. Consequently, it is vital that there is a CSI team which has the knack to retrieve evidence in sophisticated crimes. The ordinary law enforcer may lack the ability to see some minor details which would provide subsequent investigators with clues on what measures to undertake. The CSI team also processes evidence. The processing of evidence may include DNA analysis and matching of fingerprints. Such evidence is extremely vital in homicides and thefts. However, the effectiveness depends on the legal framework provided and the police force procedures. Some of these laws may create bureaucratic procedures that limit the efficacy of CSI teams. The evidence provided by these teams forms the basis of prosecution and enables lawmakers to charge an offender with charge based on the evidence available. CSI team arr ives at the crime scene earlier on and assists other investigators in stitching together the events that occurred leading to the crime. Most CSI team acts as the custodian of the evidence amassed. Some CSI members specialize in photographic analysis which assists in facial recognition of criminal or victims. Owing to their understanding of the events which transpired, then members of CSI teams are present at court trials. Therefore, CSI teams do not only partake in investigations, but
Tuesday, February 4, 2020
Phil Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Phil - Essay Example Based on Bacon’s idea we could substantially deduce the thought that initiating experiments is a must in order to learn something more about the nature’s secret. In fact, we learned more about genetic engineering and its associated human benefits for instance because scientists were able to initiate studies or experiments and are still on the continuing process of doing them, which according to Bacon’s discourse are form or means of disturbing or annoying nature just to unearth potential deeper learning or understanding about it. Descartes’ assertion on the other hand is focused on separting from the natural world and so to make precise measurement possible. It is about modifying physical process from one system of constraints to another (Descartes and Gaukroger 8). Just like Bacon, Descartes could still be referring to the inclusion of experimental process in order to make certain of the nature’s essential hidden information. It is only this way th at humans would be able to come up with a definite or precise explanation how everything is going on in the physical world. 2. What is the goal of Bacon’s and Descartes’ new science? Articulate the goal itself, and why it is necessary human goal. Articulate how the goal shapes the new way of inquiry and its new starting point. The goal of Bacon’s and Descartes’ new science is to uncover the secret of the nature. For them, this is a necessary human goal because it will lead to the betterment of life. The advancement of technology for instance has been made possible through consistent and existing scientific inquiry. Various technologies are able to give life’s comfort and even improvement of the humans’ way of living and this is because of the continuing quest to inquire the world and uncover the very secret that every human being should understand. Concerning this goal, Bacon and Descartes might be implying the fact that we need to be more a ggressive with our inquiry in order to promote the remarkable way of understanding the nature and even extend our power and dominion over the universe. Today, the new way of inquiry might have a strong relevance with the ideas of Bacon and Descartes. As the human technology advances, many things that are kept hidden before us from the past are momentarily revealed right before our eyes today. Science and technology are combined together in order to promote more dynamic output in the process of scientific inquiry. Research designs are formulated from time to time just to be able to acquire relevant information that would make sense prior to acquiring the appropriate inference. In other words, though the basic foundation implied from the ideas of Bacon and Descartes remains, what is very obvious is the fact that there are dynamic improvements or changes in the inquiry and its new starting point is revealed through the allocation of existing information and developed technologies. 3. F or Locke, what is the state of nature? How are liberty, equality and law found in the state of nature? In what way does Locke expect his reader to find his natural law teaching in this state â€Å"a strong doctrine†? Locke’s idea of the state of nature concerns with men who can reach order without being controlled by someone else. It is therefore a state of perfect freedom and equality, as every one lives together according to reason under the law of nature (McDowell 146). Under Locke’
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