Thursday, December 26, 2019
Analysis Of The General Prologue To The Canterbury Tales...
Religion has long since been an important factor in society, changing and evolving throughout the centuries. In medieval Europe, religious pilgrimages were a crucial part of ones religious faith. Often every one in society, from the highest of class to the lowest order was involved in this practice. Geoffrey Chaucer, one of the most important writers in English literature, was the author of The Canterbury Tales, an elaborate poem about the religious pilgrimage of twenty nine people to Canterbury. In the General Prologue Chaucer introduces each individual along for the journey. Through The Canterbury Tales, we discover the hypocrisy and virtues Chaucer narrates in his characters and can appreciate the nuances in this superior piece of†¦show more content†¦In the General Prologue the following characters are introduced: the Knight, Squire, Yeoman, Prioress, Nun, Monk, Friar, Merchant, Clerk of Oxford, Sergeant at Law, Franklin, Haberdasher, Carpenter, Weaver, Dyer, Tapestry-ma ker, Cook, Shipman, Doctor of Physic, Wife of Bath, Parson, Miller, Manciple, Reeve, Summoner, and Pardoner. They are also introduced in order of their rank or importance in society. The knight is to start of the Journey with the first tale. He is an Honorable man still warring his tattered war clothes and the highest in rank. On the other hand, the Squire, who is the son of the night, is elegant and is somewhat of a romancer, and he also shows great vanity. The Yeoman is another servant of the knight along for the journey. The prioress is a fragile woman, who seems to be bothered by the slightest of tragedies. The second nun is the secretary to the Prioress and travels along with the Monk who is a stout, resolute man. The Friar is a man of little moral and is more concerned with profit rather than relieving the sins of others. The merchant is an egotistic man who is also only concern with his earnings. The Clerk is a student at Oxford who is somewhat jobless and is therefore humbl ed by his lack of salary but is still an extremely educated man. The Man of Law knows the law thoroughly and somewhat pretends he is busier than he really is. The Franklin is a man who enjoys the commodities of life such as fine cooking. The Weaver,Show MoreRelated Character Analysis of The Wife of Bath of Chaucers Canterbury Tales1623 Words  | 7 Pages Character Analysis of The Wife of Bath of Chaucers Canterbury Tales The Canterbury Tales is Geoffrey Chaucers greatest and most memorable work. 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